Happy New Year! 2015 has been swept away and 2016 has arrived with a bang! It's a brand new year and a Leap Year to boot (which means 366 days of exciting opportunities)!
If you're looking to make 2016 the year that you finally become a home owner, then it's time for you to make a few New Year's resolutions.
Yes, yes, New Year's resolutions can be difficult to stick to (we all want to lose that extra ten pounds), but the resolutions for first time home buyers can be achieved by planning them out and giving it your best to see them through.
Every resolution for a first time home buyer starts with two simple words: "I will". Just those two simple words should start every one of your resolutions for becoming a home buyer. Don't waste time with "I will try" or "Maybe I will". Make an affirmative declaration that you will actively use these suggestions.
Before each and every one of the suggested home buyer resolutions, stand up and read the headline aloud, starting with "I will". Get your mind and body involved and you'll be putting your best foot forward as 2016 begins.
Continue reading : https://neighborhoodloans.com/first-time-home-buyer-tips-2016/
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